Wednesday, January 05, 2011

New year, new places, new promises

Buenos dias!

I have landed in Bogota, and the only thing standing between me and a huge glass of fresh guava juice is the resolution that I made on the plane ride down: that the first words of the day should belong to me and be dedicated to what’s on my mind. Since reading Rachel Simmons’ Odd Girl Out last fall, I’ve been thinking a lot about direct communication and the difficulty that many women I know (myself emphatically included) have in attempting or achieving it. For myself, I feel like the precursor is actually being honest with myself, eliminating the seeming kaleidoscope effect that occurs somewhere between conceiving an idea and fully expressing it. I lose track of the clarity of idea in formulating how to communicate it.

So, 2011 is a year of honesty—with myself, with friends and family, and with the world more generally. I’m inspire by the courage of a few to face the world with an open and transparent face and hope to incorporate some of their approach into my own. Clear eyes, full hearts, can’t lose. Anyone who has suggestions on metrics to hold myself to this (first words of the day is a process measure vs. outcome, and only ensures honesty from 7:30-8AM at best), those would be most appreciated. Hoping that public commitment helps too.
What I know about Bogota so far: I’ve met two people, and they were both named Carlos. So I’m now assuming that all Bogotanos are named Carlos (that sounds just plain silly, there's a crusade against news on bogus trends for a reason). Today I’m planning to explore the downtown area and assuming that the elevation isn’t killing me, climb Mont Serrate to see the cathedral that’s decked out for Dia de los Reyes (Three kings’ day) tomorrow.
My stomach, which has never had a problem with vocal honesty, is sending me over to the breakfast table.

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