Monday, July 04, 2011

Domestic adventures

Got home from work a little after 8 tonight.  The cook, Bernard bhai, offered me some fried okra.  Don't mind if I do!  I pulled out the ingredients for chocolate chip cookies (minus the pecans, unfortunately) and started whipping up a batch.  This recipe is compliments of Amy via her buddy Carlo--in pulling it up in my gmail, I can remember all the times I've made it before--the chain continues to my old roommate and her boyfriend, my mom, and other cool people.
Here, of course the process is a little different.  Bernard bhai insists on helping me--I'm unclear on whether he is learning from me, concerned about me being all up in his space, or he's assessing whether I'll be able to care for myself while he's on vacation these next two weeks--but my lack of apron definitely makes me a little off my game (I did remove my dupata for this one, despite being told I am quite "elegant" in how I handle it).  I will say, it's nice to have someone around to add ingredients when you're wrist deep mixing the dough (no mixer).  Although when he asks how much salt and vanilla to add, I have to explain the May Family philosophy on measuring: system nai.  He scowls a little but does fairly good guestimates by my account.  The chocolate chips here are hard to come by unless you know to go to the one store in Gulshan 2 where if you go past all the sports equipment, there's a "natural foods" section, which sometimes has organic peanut butter from thailand and usually has chocolate chips.  They are mini, but quite tasty nonetheless (I've been eating them straight since I moved into this place, just to make sure that they were ok).
Dough is in the fridge!  Got a cup of Blue bottle decaf noir in my hand (thanks Travis!) and I'm off to watch house, md or equivalent.  Sounds like home, right?  Cross your fingers that a.) I can figure out the oven (science geeks quick: , and b.) that these things turn out tasty!   If not, I blame the quantities of salt and vanilla....

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