Thursday, May 24, 2012

Seriously, it's that time again?

For some reason, my birthday stresses me out.  It's a lot of pressure to be happy all day, excited all day, and I just worry that having high expectations for a day that's really just like all others sets you up for disappointment.    So, since I'm not on facebook or other things that alert the world to my birthday, I had a genius plan: I would just be completely mum about my birthday and it would pass unnoticed.  I'd get emails, that would make me feel warm and fuzzy inside, and it'd be anxiety free.
It didn't quite work out like I planned.  My boss texted me in the morning to see if I was taking the day off.  I considered, but the prospect of the day off when it's really hot and everyone I know is well, working, seemed less than fun.  So I went into the office.  Where my co-worker Venita greeted me with "happy birthday!"  Soon a cake with candles, a card, and beautiful blue orna (scarf) appeared, from my darun (wonderful) team.  They have become super sleuths--i take some credit for that--in addition to their preexisting quality of kindness.  We learned then that another woman on our floor has the SAME birthday, so Ishtiaque dashes back out for a second cake (two pieces of cake before lunch is a GOOD day).  While we're all congregating about, my BFF and a few colleagues appear on the scene with flowers to SING TO ME REALLY LOUDLY.  I'm embarrassed but glad to learn that getting Naveed to sing is a piece of cake.  That bit of information might come in handy one day.
Cutting the cake with Monica, the other birthday girl!

Lunch is at the unbeatable BRAC restaurant--I'm telling you, the 100tk ($1.25) frappucino is the best deal in town.  I keep hoping to see teenagers on a date there, sharing one with two straws.  Or sharing spaghetti and meatballs, lady and the tramp style.  Instead it's just three of us--Shazzad, Saroj, and me--making silly jokes and making plans for exotic foods like banana pudding and vegetarian chili.   Makes me hungry just to think about it.
Speaking of hungry, dinner was similarly excellent!  I went out for Korean food with a group, and it was awesome!  Even the strange, cold syrupy cinnamon tea that they gave us at the end.  As foreigners, James and I often get hit up by young Bangladeshis for an introduction to alcohol.  It always makes us feel a bit weird--are we corrupting youth?  What if they are older than we?  In any case, I suggest that we tell people that the suspicious tea drink contain alcohol, and see what the placebo effect does to them.  Based on that, we can make decisions about whether to move to something harder.
No birthday would be complete cream.  We walk (or waddle) over to the gelato place down the street, and I have a great cup of ferrero rocher flavored ice cream.  It's perfect ice cream weather here.  Green mango juice is the other speciality right now, with lychee slowly appearing on the scene!
Typically I've done a run on my birthday--aiming for 1/2 my age (meanwhile my dad, at twice my age, does the full thing. yikes).  This year I decided to go to Saroj's yoga class the night before, so I'd be too sore to attempt any exercise on the day of.  That was successful.  I've never done yoga while listening to the din of the basketball game, the call to prayer, and the hum of the generator.  Saroj says things like, "Your breath is the loudest sound," without any irony.  I always get a kick out of the unbelievably corny things that yoga teachers say.  It's infinitely more amusing when she's my friend. But maybe distracting to my practice, as I forget to let my lights shine from my shakras, exhale all my hurts, forgive the world, and dedicate my breaths to world peace.  So much for reaching Nirvana before I turn 28.  Whatever, never mind.
28! 28!  Gosh it sounds so adult!  Yet I'm still giggling at the same posters, blonde jokes, and!/search/%23Talkaboutawkward comments that I did last year.  The aches and pains seem to stem from too many backbends rather than old bones; next time I'll breathe louder.  And go easy on camel pose.
Thanks for all the birthday wishes!  The gifts include songs, original poetry, jokes, flowers, jewelry, scarf, hugs, phone calls, emails and lots of love.  Better than what I planned by a long shot.  Obviously I'm still a kid at heart because I'm still flying high.....

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