Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Pic and choose

Amazing how time goes by when you are having fun!  I've been delinquent about blogging--my last post was over 3 months ago.

But I have a lot of photos to share from my many travels.  Today I'll post the link the the portions in the United States, with the Africa and Europe portions soon to come.

In September, I went to San Francisco for a conference on Social Innovation and got to visit Travis and Holly for the first time since Thanksgiving, 2010.  We spent a lot of time outdoors, and rarely went more than a waking hour without eating something very yummy.  I learned that Travis is doing this running streak (at least 1 mile per day, every day), and was inspired to try the same with push-ups.  I set my minimum at 10 per day.  But I seem to forget more than he does--he's done over 365 days straight.  I started on Sept 16 but have only managed to get to 28 days straight.

Then in October I went back, this time solely for fun and accompanied by Shazzad.  We went on a trip that even Jack Kerouac would envy!  Flew into Chicago, then to South Dakota, then to Vegas with my parents, where we rented a car to drive to Denver, Colorado, via the Grand Canyon, Bryce, Zion, Aspen.....more beautiful scenery that your brain can process.  From Denver we flew to Raleigh, took the bus to DC, and then flew to our respective next stop (for Shazzad: Dhaka, for me: Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania).

Hope you enjoy the photos and the (occasionally witty) captions.

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