Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Give a Lille bit

Our book launch on the Oct. 27 took place at a conference in Lille, France.  Most of what I saw was the Lille Grand Palais Conference Center (not so interesting), but I went out one afternoon to see what else was to be seen.  Here are a few snaps.

I stood here for a while......

The French do many things in ways that I find absolutely ridiculous.  I never thought that societal values could be seen in say, choices of elevator buttons, but they can.  The French don't put a "door close" button in their elevators.  You would only need one if you were rushing.  They go in good time.  I got a little crazy when I was trying to rush and couldn't!  But, in my eyes, the French redeem themselves for many small absurdities by embracing chocolate as an anytime food.  And everytime food.
Le grand place

Can't you just here Redemption song playing in the background?

How much glass can I fit into my suitcase on the way home?

Christmas decorations are already underway!  No Thanksgiving to wait for.....

European sunset.

Theatre downtown.

If anything looks weird, it's either because they are French, or it's Halloween.

Required European war statue

Someone translate this for me?  I'm pretty
sure it doesn't say "The Help"

Got to use up that nutella!  Yum!

A fleur de lis--or a Lily.  Fitting for Lille.  They smell heavenly!

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